About Me


Full-Stack Web Developer utilizing a background in customer service and management to provide strong problem solving skills and the ability to work in a team oriented environment to reach a shared goal. An ambitious individual eager to learn daily and leverage technical skills as part of a fast-paced, quality-driven team to build better web experiences that are innovative and satisfying for users world wide.


Address: Charlotte, NC
Phone: 336-534-3701
Email: devantebailey1322@gmail.com


  • Node.js
  • HTML and CSS, along with using CSS frameworks
  • JavaScript, ES6 and jQuery
  • MySQL and Sequelize
  • Python
  • Web API's
  • React.js
  • MongoDB and Mongoose


Here is a list of my skills

Front End Web Development

Develop the Front End of applications/services using latest standards with HTML5/CSS3 with added funtionality using JavaScript. I continue to learn new materials to elevate my skills so that I'm able to provide the best design possible.

Back End Web Development

Develop the Back End of applications/services using Node.js and SQL server or Mongo DB databases.

Future languages to learn..

I am currently learning Python and look forward to learning more languages such as Ruby, PHP, C++, C#, Go and Java so that i will become well versed in software development.


Download My Resume


My latest works

Intuitive Banana

Intuitive Banana
An immersive music application utilizng API's to allow users to find genre related news,local concerts and featured artists and songs.

Day Planner

This day planner allows users to save important tasks to a specific time slot. The hour is color coded to represent whether the time is in the past, present, or future. Built with JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

UNCC Bootcamp Forum

A Forum for Bootcamp students to discuss homework questions, resources, job information, and any other topics they wish to collaborate on. Built with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Sequelize, Heroku and Bulma Framework.

Weather App

Weather App
This weather dashboard will allow the user to search for a city and displays the current weather conditions and a 5 day forecast. This project also will save the search history for up to 5 cities. Built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Fitness Tracker

Allows users to create and track daily workouts. App was built using Node.js, Express.js, HTML, CSS, Javascript and Mongoose.


Although still in development, is a peer to peer payment application that intergrates international payments no matter where you are in the world. Built with React.


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